About the Guide!
“I have designed this stretch guide to encourage people to improve their flexibility, mobility and to find their full potential of movement in life. I have put together my experience and knowledge as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, Runner, Fitness Model Competitor and all-round movement enthusiast, to bring you an easy to follow, informative and educational guide to stretching your body as well as your mind.”
Sharna O’Connor
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What’s Inside?
This guide has everything you need to get started on your flexibility today.
The 20-Page StretchForLife Guide includes:
26-Exercise Stretching & Foam Rolling Guide with step-by-step photo guide, progressions, tips on postures, instructions on which postures suit particular conditions & descriptions of each posture.
1-page Quick Glance Guide of all postures (tear-out & take anywhere).
My tips on “Why I Stretch?”
Description of The Long-term benefits of Stretching and Foam Rolling.
Understanding the difference between “Stretching” and “Foam Rolling”?
A When and How to Guide of “Stretching” and “Foam Rolling”.
Your own 30-Day StretchForLife Challenge to keep you motivated and accountable to implement all you learn in this guide.
This guide is for you, if you:
want to improve your flexibility, agility, mobility and general freedom of movement.
want better quality of sleep.
want to live a pain free life or reduce soreness from imbalances and incorrect movement patterns.
want to release tight muscles, which may be affecting your current fitness and strength training.
want to improve strength training and gains from weight training due to better muscle activation on movement.
want to challenge yourself with new exercises to potentially take up yoga or some form of body movement exercise.
want increased longevity and vitality in life.
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