HELLO Calma family… and Happy New Year!
Yes, I am well aware that the first month of the year has passed and we are now in to February!
Although, I have been back in action with clients and all things health and fitness since the 6th January, I intentionally took a slow start to this year with clear purpose of going inward and not jumping on the “busy” bandwagon.
It has been calling me for a while to change the story of my day to day life and what I project outwards, and I know the only way to create a new story is to take action/make a change…
Firstly, I have spent the last month creating space. Enough white space in my day where I truely feel happy, I can breathe and I don’t feel the pull to the rat wheel and society’s perpetual “busyness”. And now when people mention how busy I am, I feel happy with replying with a polite, “no”. I have a life that is full but not too busy for whatever it is I wish to spend my time.
Secondly, I have spent the last month detoxing.
Changing habits which were not truely in line with what adds value to my life. (Funny that my business motto has always been – “Changing Habits, Creating Happiness”.
No alcohol, no sugar, no caffeine and a full Ayurvedic cleanse, and man do I feel clear! In no way am I saying that this is what anyone else needs or should do, but I do believe that when you take out toxins and disrupters from your life for a period of time, your body really shows you what you need and what is interfering with your vibrancy and health.
On that note, I look forward to continuing to share mojo here, and answer all the health, wellness and fitness questions you can throw at me!
If there are any topics in particular you are wanting addressed or certain questions you have, please email me – [email protected] or drop me a DM on our Insta page or Facebook page!
In Health & Happiness,